Finances are not normally seen as fun. Even more so basics like food and clothes have increased drastically in price over the last decade. Whatever your costs are, whether they are utilities, rent, clothes business rent, machinery costs…the list goes on. And it’s not a fun list.
So can finances be made simpler, more interactive, and believe it or not, fun? Well, that iPad you’ve just invested in? That’s going to be a key component in helping you organize and simplify your finances. Applications for tablets and smartphones have revolutionized the way people handle their everyday money worries. Here is a list of apps XLN Telecom believes will help simplify some of your financial chores and troubles:
Tax Calculator
If you’re self-employed or run a small business, this will be one of the most important and intimidating tasks of your financial year. With so many rules and regulations as well as penalties and fines, you need to get this right.
HMRC tax calc and UK Tax calculator are a couple of examples of tax apps you can download to assist you. These work out how much you’ll need to pay and help with income taxes, all tax code support, National Insurance Classes 1, 2, and 4, and Student Loans.
Whether you’re a mother of three or a business owner, monthly expenses can take a huge chunk out of anyone’s monthly earnings. It’s important to keep track of these and see if you can reduce them, so an app like the Expense tablet for iPad is great because as a personal expense tracker and budget manager, it keeps track of their monthly spending without the hassle of dealing with a complicated financial management app.
It’s important to save. Even if it’s only a little bit each month, the time will come when you need it. Savings Goals is one such app in which you give yourself a target amount to save and an optional date to save it by and through this the app makes a schedule and tracks how well you’re doing. So for example it will calculate the amount you need to save per month or week to reach your target goal by the target date. Setting a target will make you want to fulfill it, much like a competition so it’s a great tool to use!
There are five resorts in all: the Sheraton, Robinson Club, La Residence des Cascades, Kempinski Soma Ba,y and the Breakers Diving & Surfing Lodge. These share one of the most stunning golf courses ever designed – an 18-hole, par 72 championship offering and accompanying golf academy created by none other than Gary Player, the nine-time major winner from South Africa.
Perhaps the biggest draw of Soma Bay, aside from the always wonderful weather and excellent quality of service, is some of the best diving opportunities in the entire Red Sea. The peninsula has its house reef and a large number of diving sites, as well as one of the largest spas and thalassotherapy facilities in the region.
Finally, watersports enthusiasts often name Soma Bay as one of their most-loved African resorts as the geography allows for strong prevailing winds that are perfect for windsurfing, sailing and even kitesurfing.